PracticeCFO is committed to providing customized financial advice to dental practices and their owners. Below are our recent posts designed to keep you in-the-know.
At the time, about 10% of my clients have a serious health issue going on, ranging from stroke to cancer, and ranging ages mid-30s and up. In my 6 years with PracticeCFO, I don’t recall a single incident of disability, and yet a number are occurring now. Perhaps it’s coincidence or the accumulation of 2 […]
Rising prices, rising rates, falling stocks, and headlines all mentioning Recession. What does it all mean and where are we going from here? Let’s address the elephant in the room. Recession risk. A recession, by definition, is two consecutive quarters of falling GDP (a measure of total US economic activity). We’ve already posted a negative Q1 […]
Recertification: Required annual reporting of income to your student loan servicer to update your IDR payment for the upcoming year. Recalculation: Reporting your income anytime outside of your normal recertification timeline. Why would you do this? Read on! Did you know you are NOT required to recertify your income before March 2023? If you get a notice […]
Extending the previous article, if you have student loans, your servicer likely has, or will very soon, be changing! Although different, a change in servicer may feel a lot like your bank is selling your home loan. Letters arrive notifying you of the new servicer and generally require you to create a new account online. It’s […]
Last month we wrote about the “PSLF Waiver” that allowed a one-time recount of qualifying loan payments toward the 10-year forgiveness under the PSLF’s program for those with 10-years of employment with a government (including military) or nonprofit organization. In addition to the PSLF waiver, there is also an “IDR Waiver.” Refresher: “IDR” stands for […]
Go ahead and breathe a sigh of relief, for now. Congress isn’t showing signs of taking any further action to terminate backdoor Roth IRA conversions. That said, let’s review the basics of a Roth IRA account and why it’s worth considering: The max annual contribution you can make into any IRA, Traditional or Roth IRA, in […]
When deducting a car, regardless of leased or owned, we (your CPA) will ask you to tell us what percentage of the vehicle was business use and what percentage was for personal use. Only the business portion is deductible, which is almost never 100%. You should keep a log of dates, mileage, departure and arrival locations […]
Tax reduction is the result of comprehensive planning. All too often, doctors will make a financial decision primarily for the purpose of reducing taxes. But the tax tail should never wag the dog. For example, taking 100% section 179 deductions in the year of purchasing new equipment. This will, undoubtedly reduce your tax bill for the […]
We’re often asked what are the best ways to save on taxes and build wealth. Without a doubt, funding a retirement plan is one of them. And for certain doctors, a specific type of retirement plan is a silver bullet. It’s called a Defined Benefit plan, aka “DB Plan” or “Cash Balance Plan.” Here’s answers […]
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