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Setting Up PTO Tracking On MyPay Solutions

by PracticeCFO | October 28, 2022

If you are a PracticeCFO client, that means your payroll is managed by us through myPay Solutions. Did you know that you're able to set up PTO tracking through their system as well? Our amazing MPS Specialist, Ginger Monroe, has contributed the rundown below to help walk you through the process. 

Setting Up PTO Tracking On myPay Solutions - by Ginger Monroe 

If you, the PracticeCFO client, uses Workforce Management (Swipe clock) to track PTO, the accruable benefit policy would need to be sent to myPay Solutions, who will then set up the policy within Workforce Management for you.  Read below for a list of questions for you to consider when submitting your accrual set up.

If you submit your time time using myPay Solutions Direct, the accruable benefits can be set up on the myPay Solutions Direct application. This link will walk you through setting up accruals, adding the accruals to employees and adjusting balances as needed.

Accruals Setup - What to provide

Here are some suggested questions that will help you fill out the form:

  • Are there multiple policies for different groups of employees? Are some employees excluded from the policy? How are groups identified? Is it by department, location, employee type?
  • How frequently do the employees earn? Is it once a year, once a month, per pay period, or per week? Or, is there no period at all and employees earn based on hours worked?
  • Are there any employees that earn accruals outside of the defined accrual earning schedule? How will these exceptions be identified on the employee record?
  • If you refer to paid leave in “days” (as opposed to hours), verify how many hours equal a day. See "Hours vs. Days" below.
  • When defining tenure thresholds, ask if the years of service value is in terms of years “completed” or “the start of" said year. For instance, you might say, “Employees earn three weeks’ vacation at three years of service,” but is that the start of the third year or the completion of the third year?
  • What happens if an employee does not have enough available balance to cover the requested time off? Can they go negative?
  • What is the start date for tracking accruals in the system? This is normally a pay period start date when the accrual script starts running. For the purpose of transferring existing balances, you will need to know the employees' balances "as of" the beginning of that day.
  • Are employees allowed to carry over paid leave from one year to the next?
  • Do balances have an expiration date? What is that date?
  • Is there a max cap which, when reached, prevents the employee from earning any additional time? This would most often be used for those that let employees carryover from year to year.

How to process PTO for someone on salary:

This is all dependent on how you submit your time. If you use Workforce Management (Swipe clock) the PTO will be submitted by using the “request time off” feature for both salary & hourly employees. This link explains how to request time off.

If you submit your time using myPay Solutions Direct, the PTO would be entered in the “Enter Time” screen when submitting hours. This link will walk you through how and where to enter the PTO hours.

For any questions, please reach out directly to Ginger at gingermonroe@mypaysolutions.com. 

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